Intermedial work

I am doing mostly photography, but kinda all other stuff is cool either. 
Photography, Videos, Illustration, Art Director,AD etc.

Personal Photography

Photos of all styles, sometimes monumental, sometimes thrashy

Fashion Photography

Cooperating with all kinds of Fashion Designers

Product Photography

Product photography with new view all away from stereotypes

Stills Photography

I was throwing shows like it was nothing. Cooperating with all kind of ppl mostly audiovisual proj

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Unethical videos for your eye

School Work

Work what I´m I doing at studio of Photography 2 at UMPRUM


Work as leader of photography department and some designs of coop with brands and designers


Mostly photography exhibitions with Photography 2 studio 

Gask Gallery
Pražská tržnice
Černá labuť
Haus Der Statistics - Berlin


nothing to say here

Books and Text

Photography books, poets and academic stuff

Old stuff

Lost and found photos and paintings of mine


I was throwing shows like it was nothing. Cooperating with all kind of ppl mostly audiovisual projects

TV work

externist for Prima COOL, Seznam.TV, Toaster production
as AD, Best Boy, Stills

My Skills

Dont read it, I dont know how to web design and I cant turn it off

My Clients

Dont read it, I dont know how to web design and I cant turn it off 

My Motivation

Dont read it, I dont know how to web design and I cant turn it off 


[email protected]
 IG - @racaman666
FB - Matěj Racek
or buy my ONLY FANS
no just joking sorry